Effective Learning
Learning through Play
Effective Learning
Learning through Play
Each child has their own folder which includes observations, photos, drawings and crafts which the children and parents are able to look through whenever they like. . We also use development rainbows which follow the children’s learning journey contain their development records.
Children under 3 have a daily diary which is written in by both their key person and parents each day. At three we feel the children are able to communicate about their day as well as receiving a full verbal handover from us. We promote the children development well by keeping records and observing what the children are enjoying and using that information to move them on their next steps.
We provide lots of different learning activities such as painting, finger painting, junk modelling, clay & play dough, messy play (Slime, foam play, sand and water) cooking - learning to measure, how to use the scales, counting spoons, music play, learning rhythms and sounds and also taking turns. I try to build learning into everyday activities such as cooking, and going to the shops. Both adult and child led.
We have story times and story play to develop language and literacy and a interest in books. We enjoy walks to the woods and the local castles, where we can help the children connect to the local area and is the perfect setting to introduce basic history to the children as well as teaching British values, exercising, crunchy leaves and blowing dandelion puffs and road safety. In connection with our school age children we provide activities which connect to what they’re learning at school, i.e growing flowers in the garden and caring for the local environment. We also have a small patch in the garden where the children grow potatoes and strawberries and a cherry tree.
Mealtimes are an important time to promote a healthy, balanced diet and to teach children about the food groups so that they can learn how to make healthy choices about their diet in the future. We have experience with vegetarians, non-dairy, nut allergies and other special dietary alternatives. I ask parents not to send sweets or chocolate in lunch boxes and only healthy foods. Children are all encourages to take responsibility by helping to lay the table and clear up afterwards.
I present children with opportunities to develop their personal independence and also in taking responsibility for themselves in daily routines like putting on their coats or feeding themselves We take an interest in the environment we all sort out the recycling weekly and watch the recycling collection or take the recycling to the recycle centre.
.When a child begins in my care I have a settling in period where I can learn about the child with the parent still around The parent also completes a Child Profile Form so that I can learn about any special health, medical and diet needs that the child may have.
We include any child into our setting, while taking into account meeting the individual needs of the children I currently mind and providing I can offer the care to meet their individual needs. We have no specialised training in caring for a child with additional needs but we have had experience with children with disabilities which have included; downs syndrome, epilepsy, colour blindness and nuro encephalitis.
All children have access to all resources through a mixture of planned and free play opportunities, boys and girls engage all craft and other activities. We help children learn about equality opportunity and inclusion through, play and resources, etc. We have many toys and resources around my setting that promote inclusion including toys and books. For example, dual language books which help the learning and development area communication, language and literacy. If the images in the books show different skin tones and abilities then the learning and development area would be understanding the world, stories about children sharing or taking turns would be physical, social and emotional development, while children doing exercise and eating healthily promotes physical development and children colouring pictures of children with disabilities would be creative and if they also used skin tone crayons would be understanding the world.
When a child starts in my setting I collect all relevant information and knowledge of the child and their family as I can. This is to enable me to adapt my setting and resources to suit the child’s individual needs. I provide opportunities for children to learn about and value the lifestyles, cultures and beliefs of others. I ensure children have access to a wide range of planned activities and resources which promote equality of opportunity, for example, boys enjoying role play as hairdressers and ballet dancers, and girls enjoying being truck drivers or builders. We celebrate all festivals and events which reflect other cultures.
I actively source toys which represent the diversity of people and/with additional needs, and have many toys ranging from dolls, skin tone crayons/paper, right and left handed scissors, role play clothes, hair pieces/wigs, play foods, jigsaw puzzles, character toys, small world toys.
We organise the play area to develop opportunities for children to make decisions. I help them to become Active Learners by providing free access to a wide range of resources, therefore supporting child initiated play.
Fun Resourses
Fun Resourses