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I am happy to give your child non-prescribed medication, such as cough mixture, Calpol or nurofen, teething gel etc, but only if I have parental permission for me to do so.

Even though you may have signed a form, I will contact you by telephone or text to check that I can administer this medication. This is to protect your child, you and myself. It is vital that you inform me of any medication you may have given your child before they arrive into my care. I need to know what medicine they have had, the dose and time given.

I will ensure that all medication given to me will be stored correctly and I will check that it is still within its expiry date,

If your child has a self-held medication please obtain an additional one for me to be kept at my home. Older children can easily forget to bring home an inhaler. What could be a simple puff of ventalin then turns into a major incident and a trip to the hospital. If your child has acute allergies and carries/needs an epipen, or is insulin dependent diabetic please discuss the matter with me. I may need additional training to administer these forms of medication.

If your child needs to take medication prescribed by a doctor, I will need your permission in writing along with the times and doses. In some cases a child on antibiotics may be asked not to attend for 2-3 days in case they react to the medication and to prevent the spread of an infection to others.

All medicine given to me to administer must be named and in its original bottle/container and not decanted. It must have the manufacturers guidelines on it and if a prescription medication the details from the Doctor/pharmacy.

If you have any concerns regarding medication please do not hesitate to discuss them with me.


Children with infectious diseases should be kept away for a minimum period. This is to minimize the risk of cross infection. Children with coughs and colds are not excluded as long as they are not unwell (want to sleep/need my full attention.)

Infectious diseases excluded for:

Chicken Pox - 5 days from onset of rash or until scabbed

German Measles (rubella) - 5 days from onset of rash

Impetigo - Until lesions are healed/crusted

Salmonella - 6 days

Scarlet Fever - 5 days from start of antibiotics

Diarrhoea / vomiting - 48 hours after last bout

Whooping Cough - 5 days from start of antibiotics

Mumps - 5-9 days or until swelling goes down

Jaundice - 7 days from onset of illness

Conjunctivitis - Until eyes are clear

Foot & mouth disease - When lesions are dry, sneezes and snot has cleared up and are feeling well.

Head lice Do not exclude but must be treated immediately

The medication forms that I use are kept confidential at all times

Medication, needs to have the child’s name on it (bottle/packets etc)

Medication is stored at correct temperature and out of reach of children

Continued medication i.e. inhalers – I will need to keep here at all times

The parents needs to complete the medication form and sign prior to me giving the child any medication

The parent has to sign for every dosage of short course medication i.e. antibiotics

All accidents/incidents are reported in the accident book – date, child’s name, time, where it happened and the injury are recorded and signed by myself and the parents and they are also given a copy

Should the medication be for a baby, all the above applies, I will try and give the baby medication with the correct equipment given to me but should the baby refuse I will not force the medication and request the parent to administer the medication themselves.


In the event of any children whilst in our care falling ill our policy is that parents will be contacted and arrangements made for the child/children to be collected. This is because as a childminder I cannot be expected to look after a poorly child whilst taking care of other children in my care. A fee is still payable for that day.

If a child is poorly before a scheduled session than parents must make alternative arrangements for that child to be looked after, as again I cannot be expected to look after a poorly child whilst taking care of other children in my care. A fee is still payable for that day.

In the event of childminder or assistants illness all parents will be contacted and you will not be charged for this day.

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